Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Possible Horizons coming my way...very excited!

So about a couple of weeks ago my best friend Lena (she lives in Moscow) asked me a favor to help her design a poster for an upcoming event sometime in the winter in Moscow. It is the first ever event of this kind so she wanted it to be special. I'm not exactly sure the official name for the event, all I know is it's an international meeting/convention of dentists from all over the world gathering in Moscow for the first time! Just a little insight, my best friend is a doctor and she is very much involved with the domestic as well as international medical affairs.
So i promised her I'd play around with some designs and photos and see what I could come up with. The idea was to incorporate some sort of familiar image/images of things that defines Moscow and Russia in general! So I chose to recreate an image of St. Basil cathedral. It's a pretty well recognized building and the best part is that I have visited there several times myself when I was younger. So I after a long evening of painting and editing I came up with this...

I sent it to Lena with hopes that she will tell me if she likes it or would have wanted it to be different in some way. A few hours later she wrote back and told me she Loved it, and what was left now was to get it approved by the official people that needed it.
The final decision was made. THEY LOVED IT!!! Of course they would need to add text and a logo on top of the image and I told Lena I'd help her with that as well.
This was basically my first assignment outside of school that will be put to good use! It was great practice for the future when I will actually be getting paid for it. I still got a long way to go but it's a definite start. And the best part is Lena told me that she may need me to help design tshirts, mugs, etc for the same event! I'm stoked!

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